
The ultimate guide to understanding Canadian Insurance and why every self-respecting immigrant must earn more and more money to pay more and more premiums to feel more and more secure in their bankers’ hands.

Insurance for Immigrants

In this third part of our series with the Immigration consultant extraordinaire, Dr Grey V. Trayn, we discuss the great Insurance dreams of Canada, among other matters of fixed, variable and mutual interest.

Canada Immigrant Blog: Dr Trayn, Why is insurance considered so, so, so very important in a new immigrant’s life in Canada according to every bank-funded advertorial and flyer?

How severe rental housing shortage and mindless condo development across Canada is adding to newcomers’ settlement woes!

No big money: Rental shortageIt does not take rocket science to appreciate the importance of affordable apartments to struggling immigrants, young families and all working class people.

Yet, something morbidly greedy is happening all over Canada: unchecked condo construction instead of rental unit building and planning.

There are more magazines, seminars, books, consultants, programs, websites and experts for immigrants to become successful in Canada than there are successful immigrants in Canada. So here’s one more!

Secrets of Success for ImmigrantsAs you take your first step out on the Canadian soil, shaking snow off your boots and sneezing your first Canadian gesundheits, you must be wondering what every newcomer to Canada has wondered ever since the first settlers arrived at ‘our’ shores and collected their first native scalp:

Canadian BankersThat big bang you just heard wasn’t the garbage truck slamming your trashcans. It’s the marketing effort by a particular (recently-battered) industry targeting a particular community.

It’s the realization of something big. And that’s where the money is.

You see, there’s an entire cottage industry — no, strike that (silly me.) There’s a whole lucrative multi-billion dollar industry that’s been milking immigrants.

bread price canadaTough economic times mean tightening belts. Governments are scaling back financial commitments and consumers are holding back unnecessary purchases. Even kids are having their allowances cut.

Of course, these are all boilerplate clichés. In real life, human nature compels us not to miss out on a great deal — something the marketing industry will continue to reap rewards with, and the marketing industry will happily tag along (I should know, I used to be in such a business during my pre-Canadian career-gifted life.) But I digress.

Permanent Resident CardI know two persons in this entire country, literally. One is a friend and the other is a sibling on the other side of the continent. In addition, two more people on my cellphone’s contact-list are really acquaintances with whom I have verbal speech once every 12 weeks or a dozen fortnights, whichever is less. When I left the mother-ship to beam up to Planet Canada, I had bid farewell to all my half-a-dozen friends and relatives there as well, for good. A couple of them I speak to once every six months. But that’s another story.

canada financial crisisAs with most ill-informed laymen, I often mistake my familiarity with something to be knowledge.

However, unlike those poor ill-informed sods, I do have the honour and privilege of personally getting some of the most brilliant first-hand insights and informed opinion on these financial crisis.

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